Karen is endorsed by people and organizations from both sides of the political spectrum - including every sitting member of the NID Board. From government and business leaders, to homeowners, to farmers and ranchers... people who have seen Karen in action understand the value she brings to NID.
Daniel Swartzendruber
Nevada County Contractors’ Association (NCCA) PAC
"After meeting with the candidates in this race, it was clear that Karen Hull has considerable knowledge in a wide range of business and technical areas which is needed to be an effective leader on the NID Board."
"She has a proven record of accomplishments on the Board. Karen's commitment to a transparent process in the Plan for Water has allowed our community of treated water and agricultural users a voice."
Read the complete press release
Chris Bierwagen - 4th Generation Farmer, Past President Nevada County Farm Bureau
"Four years ago, Karen brought a wealth of expertise to the NID board. From fiscal responsibility, to strategic planning, to forward thinking on NID’s mission, Karen is passionate and highly effective."
Josh Alpine
Placer County Water Agency Board Director
Lisa Swarthout
Nevada CountySupervisor
Jim Holmes
Placer County Supervisor District 3
"Karen has a proven record of executive leadership with a strong background in financial management. She engages with NID customers and keeps them informed on issues and challenges that confront the District. Karen has been a positive addition to the NID Board of Directors for the last four years. Please re-elect her so that she can continue her good work serving the customers of NID."
Rich Johansen
NID Division 5 Director, Customer, and 4th Generation Northern California Farmer
"NID Director Karen Hull is a fiscal conservative who has earned our vote. Under Karen's leadership, NID has not increased rates for 3 consecutive years. We can count on her during these difficult and uncertain economic times. I trust Karen to lead us through the next 4 years."
Ricki Heck
NID Director Division 1
"I am an enthusiastic supporter of Karen Hull for re-election. I have a unique perspective, having served with Karen on the NID board for the last four years.
Karen’s contribution to NID’s financial overhaul has been transformational. Her work on behalf of her Division 3 has been one of action. She has made a real difference in the water services to both Nevada and Placer County. Her commitment to the transparent process in the Plan for Water is equally important. Karen is a leader. She is absolutely the best choice to serve our community on the NID Board. Please re-elect her to continue the important work of NID for the future of our water supply."
Cindy Gustafson
Placer County Supervisor District 5
"Karen is a strong advocate for ratepayers, governs in a fiscally conservative manner, and is working hard to increase efficiencies at NID. As a farmer, Karen understands the need to keep water affordable while investing in infrastructure and adequate storage. Our water districts need competent, experienced leaders, which is why I fully support Karen Hull for the Nevada Irrigation District Board of Directors."
Bob Branstrom
Grass Valley City Council
"Director Hull has provided solid leadership to the Nevada Irrigation District during difficult times. She has helped NID navigate difficult financial and infrastructure issues, while supporting NID's top-notch public engagement process, Plan for Water."
Heidi Hall
Nevada County Supervisor District 1
"Karen has been a responsible steward of our precious water. I want her to continue to bring her intelligent, common sense oversight and direction to NID."
Barbara Bashall
Plan for Water Participant,
Former Executive Director of Nevada County Contractors’ Association
"I have been really impressed with Karen, having been involved with NID for the last three years and the overhaul of the financial systems and streamlining the contracting. I have been intimately involved with the Plan for Water. It has been a really great process. It has been open and inclusive. I’d like you to join me in voting for Karen in November."
Ken Jensen - Placer County Rancher
"Things are better since Karen has been on the NID board. She’s done a great job and I know things will continue to be good as long as she’s there."
Michael Straight - Real Estate Agent
"I’m writing to support the reelection of Karen Hull for Director of NID’s Division 3. Having run for that seat unsuccessfully about 16 years ago, I’m very familiar with NID and have kept track of the leadership policies since that time.
The current Board of Directors has made significant strides in addressing years-old deficient infrastructure and maintenance issues. This Board has also spent the last four years focusing on the future water needs of our community with substantial studies completed, including the unfeasibility of the Centennial Dam. Karen Hull has been a significant contributor to these successes and her MBA degree also brings sound financial judgement to the Board.
For many years we experienced a yearly 5% increase in water rates but with the current Board’s focus on effective financial planning the rates have not increased for the last three years. I urge you to vote for Karen Hull to continue the sound management practices that support our wonderful NID water distribution system.
There is an age-old saying, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”
Dana Shulman Coffman
Auburn Resident
Karen is doing a great job and making huge improvements over the prior director. Lets keep her on the job!!
Chris Boykin
Grass Valley Resident
I support Karen as NID Director as she is a leader who has exhibited her management, fiscal and strategic evaluation skills to move our water district forward in the past four years. She has a solid vision for our future to ensure our water supply and storage needs will be met, without the very costly Centennial Dam project.
Connie Wieczorek
Lincoln Area Rancher
"Karen Hull is very knowledgeable, highly competent, proficient, a strategic thinker who takes the initiative and ensures that the groundwork is done properly and finishes every project well. She is definitely an asset to the NID Board."
Patti Abbott
Auburn Resident
Karen Hull has proven herself to be a great leader at NID. She has helped to make NID one of the best water districts in the state!
Christy Hubbard
MineWatch and Wells Coalition Organizer
"Karen's extreme commitment to fiscal responsibility is exactly what we need on the NID board. When Rise Gold wanted to re-open a gold mine directly under hundreds of well owners' homes, Karen played a key role in persuading her colleagues at NID to go above and beyond and demand a large bond to protect NID and ratepayers from picking up the tab if the mine caused well failures. Ultimately, the mine proposal was wisely rejected by Nevada County. Still, Karen's legacy of leadership stands like a shining example, showing us all how it ought to be done."
Mack Shaver - Auburn Resident
"I am a long time customer of NID, following the Board work for the past decade, especially during the multi-year debate about the Centennial Dam. I’m closely watching the race between the two candidates — Karen Hull and Brad Fowler — running for Division 3.
The job of a NID Director takes time — likely more than 20 hours or more a week. Independent research and careful study of the issues and their financial impacts takes time and devotion.
Hull has proven she can balance research and study and brings a high level of fiscal awareness and management to the Board. She’s a leader in fiscal oversight and has transformed the NID finances in her first four years as Director. Her commitment is second to none.
Keep Hull on the Board of Directors. Her sharp focus on water delivery for all customers while holding NID fiscally accountable perfectly positions NID for the future. We need to keep NID’s path moving forward. Hull is the candidate to do this."
Bruce Jones - 22-Year Division 3 Resident
"Karen has contributed much to the financial stability of the district. Rates have not increased since 2021."
Margie Joehnck - Lake of the Pines Resident
"Karen Hull has been instrumental in the reorganization of NID's fiscal management system and in the strategic planning process known as the Plan for Water. She deserves to be on the board another four years to work on the plans she's helped lay."
Dr. Roger Hicks - Nevada City Physician
I support Karen Hull to represent District 3 on the Nevada Irrigation District (NID) Board of Directors.
As a physician, I know how important clean air and clean water are to good health. We must take care of our rivers, lakes, and forests to have a reliable supply of water, especially as we face the challenges posed by climate change. Karen Hull shares this understanding and has kept our watersheds’ health at the forefront of NID’s planning to ensure our future water security.
Over the past four years, Karen has leveraged her executive experience to streamline NID’s administrative processes, including improvements in contracting. Her financial expertise has been instrumental in stabilizing NID’s finances, and she has consistently worked to ensure that repairing and maintaining NID’s aging infrastructure is its top priority.
Karen and her fellow board members are committed to two key initiatives that will keep NID moving forward: First, repairing and replacing aging infrastructure to ensure uninterrupted water flow; and second, pursuing thoughtful and economically sound water storage projects.
Karen has demonstrated that electing her in 2020 was a wise decision. I encourage you to vote for her re-election to the NID Board in 2024.
David and Catherine Groenwold - Dutch Door Farm
"... We support Karen Hull as the District 3 Director for NID. We feel like she's accessible."
"She's done a great job. We have really been pleased with NID. Being able to have [water service] here has been such an asset. We don't have to use our own personal well water..."